Mess With Texas

Supporting abortion care in Texas

"One of the most heart-wrenching cases I have seen recently was of a Texas minor who had been raped by a family member and traveled (accompanied by her guardian) all the way from Galveston, Texas—a 7- to 8-hour drive, one way—to get her abortion in Oklahoma because she was more than six weeks pregnant and could not get an abortion in Texas. And this patient is not the only sexual assault survivor from Texas that I have treated recently."

Texas SB8 is a "flagarantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny". The law implements a "near-categorical ban on abortions beginning six weeks after a woman's last menstrual period, before many women realize they are pregnant, and months before fetal viability."

SB8 makes it unlawful to perform abortions in Texas after "cardiac activity" is detected in an embryo and authorizes private citizens to file suit against abortion providers who violate the law, as well as anyone who "aids or abets" or even "intends" to aid or abet the abortion. State courts in Texas are required to award a minimum of $10,000 in damages against anyone found to have performed, aided, or abetted such an abortion, and may order the defendant to pay for costs and attorney fees. There are no exceptions for rape or incest. There are no exceptions for embryos with medical conditions that are incompatible with life outside the womb.


These organizations provide direct aid to patients seeking abortions in Texas, inluding defraying travel expenses.

Texas Equal Access Fund
Fund Texas Choice
Lilith Fund

These organizations are actively involved in litigation to stop enforcement of SB8 or political organizing to seek a legislative solution.

Center for Reproductive Rights
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Planned Parenthood
ACLU of Texas